Be Toasty for Life!

Unlock savings, forever

save your dough, while you get your bread

Holders Shop Here!


As part of our brand's origin story, owners of the Tasty Toastys digital collectibles will enjoy year-round discounts for physical Toasty products.


Read the guide below for more details, or click the button to access our holder checkout area!

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How do I use my Collector Discount?

Tasty Toastys Digital Collectible Holders Checkout Here

How to Redeem Offers

We use the Tokenproof app to authenticate your NFT.
1. Enroll your wallet here:
(If you have used Tokenproof before and your wallet is already synced with your Tokenproof app, you can skip this step)

2. On a Toasty product page, 

  • Click “Authenticate with Tokenproof” which renders a QR code
  • Scan the tokenproof QR code with your Tokenproof mobile app
  • Select the wallet address/es that holds your Tasty Toastys NFT so that you can unlock your offers

3. Once it is approved, click "Add to Cart" as usual. The discount will be applied when you continue to checkout. If you need further help, drop an email for assistance at so we can get your exclusive discount to you.

How much is the Collector Discount?

Holders of Tasty Toastys digital collectibles (NFTs) enjoy exclusive rates year-round for selected Tasty Toastys Products! 

  • Genesis Toasty Holders (Token IDs 1 - 391): 30% off
  • Standard Toasty Holders (Token IDs 392-7600): 15% off

Token IDs 1 - 391 (Genesis Trait) get double the discounts of Token IDs 392 - 7600. This is because they usually belong to the absolute earliest supporters of our brand.

Our team reserves all rights to make amendments to the discount rate according to business conditions.

Why is there a Collector Discount?

Tasty Toastys is a collection of 7,601 randomly generated digital collectibles (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. After the collection sold out in early 2022, the funds raised were used to kickstart a brand about all things warm & Toasty brand, starting mainly with collectible plushes. 

As part of the brand's origin story, owners of the Tasty Toastys digital collectibles will always enjoy exclusive discounts for physical Toasty products.

What token-gating solution do you use?

We are currently using Tokenproof, which is trusted by top artists and brands including Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Worried about security? Their full documentation is available here.

This page and FAQ last updated: May 2024

Do I have to sign a message when connecting my wallet?

Tokenproof is the intermediary app that will authenticate your ownership of a Tasty Toasty NFT.

You do not need to connect your wallet to this site.

When you're connecting your wallet to Tokenproof for the first time, signing a message is required to prove that you’re in control of the wallet you are connecting.

Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give the token-gating application permission to perform any transactions on your behalf.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you always double-check any sign requests, before going ahead to confirm.

How do I disconnect Tokenproof?

At any point in time that you wish to disconnect Tokenproof, click the white button on any product page that says "Disconnect Tokenproof".

Once you have clicked "Disconnect", if you wish to connect Tokenproof again in future, you will need to go through the "Authenticate with Tokenproof" process again (see above for how).

Does my Collector Discount work offline at your stockists?

No, they are digital collectibles that can only be used on our digital online shop. i.e., here!

Digital Collectibles

putting the fun in function

Think of these as trading cards, only digital, and you can use them as membership cards for official Tasty Toastys original designed goods!

How amazing is that?!

Adopt one here!

Digital Collectibles

Where and how can I get Tasty Toasty digital collectible(s)?

Our pioneer collection of Tasty Toastys digital collectibles (NFTs) from 2022 has been sold out, and are now available from resellers on the following secondary sales marketplaces:

Do you have a membership programme that does not rely on NFTs?

We might eventually implement one, if we see that there is growing demand for it, so sign up to our email list to stay updated! We don't send out regular emails, so when you get one, you'll know it's important must-know news.

Or, write in to us and tell us that YOU want one!

The more feedback we get, the more we know that there are people out there who would love to be part of a Tasty Toastys club, so we can continue making progress towards it :3